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Uninterrupted Subscriptions

If you monetize with Ads, you can earn even more money by offering Uninterrupted Subscriptions to your most loyal fans at a monthly price point of your choice.

Learn more about Ads

Fans who pay for an Uninterrupted Subscriptions hear all your episodes without any Spotify for Podcasters-inserted ads.

You can also publish subscription-only bonus episodes for your paying subscribers.

Note: Subscribers can only listen to your uninterrupted episodes on Spotify.

Activating Uninterrupted Subscriptions

  1. Go to Monetize
  2. Under Subscriptions, select Set up your subscription then Set up on Spotify.
  3. Confirm you don’t have any pre-recorded or “baked-in” ads in your episodes and select Uninterrupted episodes.
    Note: We can't remove pre-recorded ads from your episodes.
  4. Select your monthly price.
  5. Finish set up and add a subscribe link to your podcast description.

Note: Uninterrupted Subscriptions are available to US-based creators who currently earn with Ads but don't have Listener Support enabled.

This setting is automatically applied to all your eligible episodes. It's not currently possible to exclude individual episodes from your subscription.


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