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Discord and Spotify

Listen, game, chat, and party all at once with Discord.

You can also see and play what your friends are listening to, and even listen together.

Connect Spotify to Discord

  1. Download and open the Discord app.
  2. Click Connections in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Spotify.
  4. A web page opens to log in or sign up to Spotify.

Once you connect Spotify to Discord, you can choose to show your friends what you’re playing.

To disconnect

  1. Click Connections in the menu on the left of the Discord desktop app.
  2. Click Spotify.
  3. Click X in the top left of the green box.
  4. Click Disconnect to confirm.

Listen Along

For: Premium

Note: You can’t Listen Along when voice chatting. Try text chatting instead.

  1. Click someone that’s Listening to Spotify from your list of friends on the right.
  2. Click Listen Along Discord listen along.

Note: If you Listen Along with a friend who has the free version of Spotify, you hear silence when they hear adverts.

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