Music unexpectedly removed?
If you didn’t request your music be taken down, reach out to your label or distributor for help as they’ll have more info.
Info for distributors
Tip: Don’t recognise a term? Check the Service Level Guidelines we sent when you first delivered music to us.
Here are some things to check in Spotify for Music Providers. If you don’t have access, reach out to our Content Operations Ingestion team.
- Scroll down and check the release’s Past deliveries to view the most recent delivery type and see if a takedown, Delete, or End Date was delivered.
Note: If we receive a takedown request, we’ll remove the music. - Check the most recent XML update to see if it includes delete, or has updated restrictions.
- Check the Availability tab. If the release is marked Unavailable and you’re unsure of the reason, reach out to our Content Operations Ingestion team.
If you sent a takedown, send an update reinstating track-level rights to make the release available. Once we get them, your music should be live within 2 business days.
If your music isn’t live after 2 business days or you need more help, reach out to our Content Operations Ingestion team.
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