Access levels

There are 3 different access levels in Spotify for Artists.

Your access level determines what you can see and do.

You get an access level for each team you’re in, so you might have different access in different teams.

What you can do




See music and audience stats

See your artist roster

See the artist profile

Edit the artist profile

Add Clips and Canvas

Pitch upcoming releases

Create and edit campaigns and see results

Add and manage Shopify merch

Invite/remove team members

See team activity

See and edit team member details (email, role, company)

See and edit access levels

Add and edit payment methods

Changing access levels

Note: Only Admins can change access levels. You can see your team Admins at in Your teams.

  1. Go to
  2. Select the team you want to change access levels for (if you’re in multiple teams).
  3. Click the 3 dots next to the team member you want to edit.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Choose their access level then click Save.

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