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Does the price for Premium include tax?

Where applicable, the price for Premium includes VAT (value added tax).

You can always see the details of what you’re being charged by checking out your receipts:

  1. Log in to your account page.
  2. Under Payment, select Order history.
  3. Click More details.

Note: Spotify is for personal/non-commercial use only.

Local taxes

Some state and local governments may also require us to collect tax (ex. Sales Tax) if Spotify undergoes marketing/promotional activities in the state or locality, or uses local sales agents or consultants.

This fee is included at the point of the transaction, which is why you might see a slightly different price on your receipt to the rate that’s advertised.

What happens if tax becomes required for my location?

If we become required to add a tax for your location, the change will be made on your account automatically. All you need to do to accept it is carry on using Spotify.

Note: If you've moved since signing up for Spotify, you need to update your payment details to ensure you’re being charged correctly.

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