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Friends who join a Jam can listen and add songs to the queue together, whether in-person or virtually.

For: Premium is needed to start and host a Jam. Free users can join and add songs to the Jam. This feature works also with smart speakers and most Bluetooth speakers.

Start and share a Jam

Join and add tracks to the Jam

Anyone in a Jam can control what’s playing on the speaker.

  1. Tap on the invitation link sent to you by your friend,
    or scan the QR code,
    or tap your phones together if you’re logged in on Spotify and your Bluetooth is turned on.
  2. Choose between listening tracks remotely or in-person.
    Note: You need Premium to join remotely from your desktop.
  3. Tap Join.
  4. Add tracks, or get started with Spotify recommendations that let you know if others in the Jam like those songs.

Add or remove friends from a Jam

To add someone to a Jam:

To remove someone from a Jam:

Leave a Jam

  1. Tap the current device you’re listening on.
  2. Select a different device to play on in the available devices list.
    Or, tap Leave.

Note: If a host leaves, it’ll end the Jam for everyone.

Control volume in a Jam

The host of a Jam is able to toggle whether or not guests are able to control the volume.

The host can either:

  • Control the volume of the session by themselves; or
  • Share the volume control with all participants by enabling it manually:
    1. On your app, tap the current device you’re listening to.
    2. Switch Let guests change volume on Toggle switched on.

Shared volume control is supported on:

  • Chromecast
  • Amazon Cast

Shared volume control is unavailable on:

  • Bluetooth devices
  • Apple AirPlay

Control what’s playing in a Jam

The host of a Jam is able to toggle whether or not guests are able to control what's playing.

When you toggle Let others change what's playing off Toggle switched on, guest will only be able to add songs to the Jam.

Not working?

If ​​you’re unable to host a Jam, make sure:

  • You have an active Premium subscription
  • You’re connecting to the right speaker from the list of available devices

If you’re unable to join a Jam, check if:

  • You’ve accepted the invitation from the host of the Jam
  • You’re connecting to the right speaker from the list of available devices

If you’re unable to control the volume of the speaker in a Jam, check if:

  • Your speaker supports shared volume control
  • The host has enabled shared volume control in the Jam
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