Managed accounts for Premium Family

For: Premium Family plan managers

Premium Family plan managers can create managed accounts for young listeners, so you can:

  • Have a separate account and music recommendations for them
  • Decide what music they can discover and enjoy with parental controls
  • Let them enjoy ad-free music listening and download their favorites to listen offline

Create a managed account

To create a managed account, the plan manager first needs to log into the app with their own Spotify account.

When you create a managed account, you’ll set a PIN. This prevents young listeners on your plan from accessing features and controls for plan managers.

  1. Tap your profile picture at the top.
  2. Tap Settings and privacy Settings.
  3. Tap Account (Android) or scroll down to Account (iOS), then tap Premium Family.
  4. Under Plan members, select the option to add members to your plan.
  5. Select Add a listener aged under 13.
  6. Tap Add account.

Then, follow the steps to:

  • Confirm you’re the young listener’s parent or legal guardian
  • Set a PIN to prevent access to plan manager's features
  • Enter a name and date of birth for the young listener
  • Set the parental controls for the managed account

Tip: You can change these settings anytime by going to your Plan Overview page and selecting the young listener’s account. For steps, check out ‘Control managed account settings’ below.

Switch to a managed account

You can switch a Family plan member’s account into a managed account.

  1. Tap your profile picture at the top.
  2. Tap Settings and privacy Settings.
  3. Tap Account (Android) or scroll down to Account (iOS), then tap Premium Family.
  4. Under Plan members, select the account you want to switch to a managed account.
  5. Next to Switch to managed account, tap Get started.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions.


  • If you switch a plan member’s account to a managed account, they will lose access to some Spotify content and features. The plan member’s listening history and some of their personal information will be deleted.
  • You have 7 days to undo this change. After that, the account can’t be switched back and the process to delete the data will be initiated.

Switch back from a managed account

When you switch a plan member into a managed account, we send you an email confirmation.

If you want to undo this change, you have to click the Switch back button in our email.

Note: You have 7 days to switch back from a managed account. Once the account is switched back, it will be on the free service, so you will need to reinvite the member to your plan. Remember to remove the managed account from your plan as well.

Log in to the managed account

Sharing a device?

If you're sharing a device with the young listener, you first need to log out of the app. Then log back in and select the young listener’s account.

Note: If you logged in to Spotify with your Facebook or Google details on the young listener’s device, remember to sign out.

Can’t log in?

Make sure both the plan manager’s and young listener’s apps are updated to the latest version.

If you’ve scanned the QR code and it doesn’t work, try refreshing the QR code from the plan manager’s device.

  1. Go to Plan Overview.
  2. Select the young listener’s account.
  3. Tap Login options.
  4. Scan the QR code.

Control managed account settings

For: Premium Family plan managers

In the app settings, you can:

  • Change your PIN
  • Edit each managed account’s name and date of birth
  • Create and delete managed accounts
  • Manage playback of content labeled as explicit, as well as Canvas and videos

Shared playlists

Playlists created by you or others on Spotify can be shared with young listeners via a share link.

Tip: If the explicit content filter is enabled, the young listener can’t play any content labeled as explicit in these playlists.

Young listeners can also create their own playlists. They can share these playlists with you or others via a share link.

  • Young listeners can personalize playlist titles, but can’t upload pictures as playlist cover images.
  • You and others on Spotify can’t search for playlists made by young listeners.
  • If a young listener shares a playlist, or joins a playlist shared with them, their name and avatar (if they picked one) is displayed but the young listener’s profile will not be shared.


  • Young listeners can only share and receive playlists made by others via a direct link to the playlist through apps with sharing functionality installed on their device.
  • Playlists made by others may contain personalized cover images, titles and descriptions.
  • By default, managed accounts can’t search for playlists created by other users.

Report content

Our long-standing Platform Rules outline what is and isn’t allowed on Spotify. We always prioritize the review of content that impacts young listeners, presents a greater risk of offline harm, or may be illegal.

Young listeners can report content with the plan manager’s help:

  1. On the Spotify app, tap the options menu 3 horizontal dots next to a song, playlist title or artist name.
  2. Select Report. An in-app message will ask young listeners to hand the device to the plan manager.
  3. Enter your PIN, and you’ll be directed to our ‘report content’ page.
  4. Complete the form using the plan manager’s details, and Submit.

Profile settings

A young listener’s profile shows:

  • Their name
  • The number of artists they follow
  • Playlists they’ve saved or created

To personalize their profile, a young listener can also select an avatar from a set list.

This profile can be seen by anyone on your shared device, but can’t be found by any others on Spotify.

Managed accounts can’t access any social features, including Jam, Collaborative playlists and Blend.

Note: If a young listener shares a link to a personal playlist, their name and avatar (if they picked one) will also be displayed.

Data privacy

Spotify will collect the young listener’s data to deliver the best user experience, such as to offer personalized music recommendations.

As the plan manager, you have the ability to exercise privacy rights on behalf of the young listener, including the ability to request a copy of the young listener’s personal data or delete their account data.

Once young listeners meet the minimum age requirements for a self-managed account, they can exercise their privacy rights within the app without parental support, including:

  • Downloading their account data
  • Deleting their data and closing their account

To learn more about these rights and how Spotify collects, uses, shares and protects personal data, please read Spotify’s Privacy Policy.

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