Graduating to a self-managed account

For: Family plan managers and young listeners eligible for a self-managed Spotify account.
Learn more about ‘Managed accounts for Premium Family’

When young listeners meet the minimum age requirements for a self-managed account, they get an in-app notification. From there, they can choose to send a request to the plan manager, or dismiss the notification.

Young listeners who graduate to a self-managed account keep their existing playlists, saved music and recommendations, and remain on the same Premium Family plan. Additionally, they can:

  • Listen to podcasts and content available to buy.
  • Connect with friends and family through social features like Blend.
  • Explore Spotify with fewer parental controls (the plan manager can still manage playback of explicit content).
    Note: If plan managers previously disabled playback of specific artists or songs, Canvas, and videos for the managed account, this will be reversed when the young listener graduates.

If the young listener doesn't send a request or the plan manager doesn’t approve access, they stay on a managed account until they’re legally an adult in their market.

Note: During this period, they can find the option to send a request in the app settings from the Account page.

Requesting and setting up a self-managed account

When a young listener sends a request, the Family plan manager gets both an in-app and an email notification, allowing them to either approve access or decline it.

Note: They can also view and manage requests from their plan management page.

If approved, the young listener gets an in-app notification prompting them to set up their new access details. They need to:

  • Enter their email address
  • Create a password
  • Add their date of birth and gender
  • Choose a display name

After entering these details, they need to select ‘Done’ to complete the setup.

We also notify the plan manager by email once the change is finalized.

Graduating upon reaching the legal age

When a young listener reaches the legal age of adulthood, they need to switch to a self-managed account to keep using Spotify. This is the case regardless of if the plan manager approved or rejected a previous graduation request.


  • Young listeners will get an in-app notification a little before their birthday to help them start the process. After this period, they’ll be required to complete the graduation in order to continue to use Spotify.
  • Parental permission is not required once they've reached the legal age of adulthood.

Privacy rights for young listeners who reach the minimum age requirements

Once young listeners meet the minimum age requirements for a self-managed account, they can exercise their privacy rights within the app without parental support, including:

  • Downloading their account data
  • Deleting their data and closing their account

To download account data

  1. Tap your profile picture at the top.
  2. Tap Settings and privacy .
  3. Scroll down and select About.
  4. Tap Account Privacy.
  5. Choose the data you want to download, and tap Request data.

Note: Young listeners get an in-app notification when their data is ready for download. Then, they have 14 days to complete the download.

To delete data and close account

  1. Tap your profile picture at the top.
  2. Tap Settings and privacy .
  3. Select Account.
  4. Tap the ‘close your account’ link.
  5. Select Close account and delete data.
  6. Tap Close my account to confirm.

Note: For managed accounts, all data will be permanently deleted, and the account will be removed from the Family plan. This action is not reversible.

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