Music still live after a takedown?

We need at least 2 business days to process takedowns.

When you remove music from Spotify, you might still be able to see it with a direct link. The tracks will be gray and unplayable unless there’s another version of the track live in your country.

Each version of a track has a unique Spotify URI. Check which version you’re looking at by comparing URIs. To get the URI:

  1. Open the Spotify desktop app.
  2. Search the title of the release, or find it on the artist page.
  3. Right-click the track.
  4. Select Share.
  5. Hold the alt key (Windows) / option key (Mac) and select Copy Spotify URI.

If your music’s still live after 2 business days, contact your distributor for help.

Info for distributors

Tip: Don’t recognise a term? Check the Service Level Guidelines we sent when you first delivered music to us.

Here are some things to check in Spotify for Music Providers. If you don’t have access, reach out to our Content Operations Ingestion team.

Check the Availability tab

If you see Available, check the XML and send the takedown again.

When we get your takedown, the music should be removed within 2 business days. If it isn’t, reach out to our Content Operations Ingestion team.

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