Adding your email address to your RSS feed

Some listening platforms - including Spotify for Creators - use the email address in your RSS feed to verify that you're the owner of your podcast when you submit or claim it on their platform.

Podcasts hosted with Spotify

To add your email address to your feed:

  1. Go to Settings > Availability
  2. If you haven’t added your email address to your feed yet, you'll see the option to Add email to RSS feed. This uses the email address your account is registered under.
  3. If you don't see this option, paste your feed into a new browser tab. Look for the <itunes:email> field to check which email address is listed in your feed.
  4. To change the email address in your feed, update the email address in Settings > Availability. It can take up to 10 minutes for external platforms to read the new email address in your feed.

Note: Your email will be publicly available in the RSS feed. Anyone with a link to your RSS feed will see your email address.

Podcasts hosted somewhere else

We use email verification to make sure you’re the owner of your podcast when you upload it to Spotify for Creators. This email address is pulled from your RSS feed.

If the email address in your feed is misspelled or is one whose inbox you can't access, contact your hosting provider about changing the email in your feed.

After updating your feed, it can take a couple of hours for Spotify to recognize the change. If you update the email address in your RSS feed and it still doesn't show after 4 hours, let us know.

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