Manage your Spotify Account easily

Your info, payment and privacy all in one place.

Update payment details

To update or change your payment details:

  1. Go to your account page.
  2. Go to Manage your plan, click Update next to your payment method.
  3. Enter a new payment method.

Note: When you add a payment method, some payment providers issue a temporary authorization charge.

The changes take effect from your next billing date.

Payments through a partner

If your plan is with a partner company (e.g. your phone or internet provider), they manage your payments. You'll need to speak to them about anything payment related.

To check who your provider is, or to reach out to them directly:

  1. Go to your account page.
  2. Under Account, choose Manage your plan.
  3. Check the contact link under Payment.

To change your payment details:

  1. Go to your partner’s website to cancel your current Premium plan.
    Tip: Find their details on your account page under Payment.
  2. When your Spotify account switches to free, sign up to any Premium plan.

Remove card details

If you subscribed to Premium with a card and now wish to remove the token used to process your card data, you’ll need to cancel your plan.

You can then purchase Premium with a prepaid plan.

Saved payment cards

You can save and manage your payment details for future purchases.

Note: The saved details don’t automatically apply to your plan. To update payment details for your plan, go to Manage your plan.

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