Unique links for personalized playlists

Post or share your unique link to personalized editorial playlists you’re featured in.

Listeners who click your unique link see your song at the top of the playlist for 24 hours.

Note: Unique links only work when they're clicked or tapped - not copied and pasted.

Finding a unique link

For: Web

Unique links are available for 7 days after your song’s been added to a personalized playlist.

  1. Log in to artists.spotify.com.
  2. Go to Music tab Music.
  3. Select a song.
  4. Click Playlists.
  5. Under Recent playlist adds, find a Personalized playlist.
    Note: Playlists only show in Recent playlist adds when a song is first added to a playlist.
  6. Click Copy Unique Link.
  7. Post your unique link to social media or share it with friends.
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