Re-uploading music
You may need to re-upload music to fix issues with your music metadata.
If you’re not the artist that uploaded the music, reach out to the data source listed at the bottom of the music credits. They’ll need to send the update to us.
Uploaded through a label?
Contact your label to update your metadata through the normal release process.
Uploaded through a distributor?
You may need to re-upload your music to update the metadata. Reach out to your distributor for help.
Keeping your play count
You can re-upload music without losing your play count through a process called track-linking.
Make sure the audio and metadata of the old and new versions is the same (including duration, title, and artist name).
To check that your tracks have linked:
- Open the Spotify desktop app.
- Go to your artist profile.
- Check the play count next to the song.
Tip: If you don't see it, make the app window wider.
If the play counts match, the tracks have linked.
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