Promoting music on Spotify

With over 600 million passionate music fans around the world, Spotify is a great place to grow your audience. Here are some tips.

Join Spotify for Artists

Spotify for Artists lets you promote your music, see your audience stats, and manage your artist profile.

You can use Spotify for Artists on the web, or download the mobile app on Android and iOS.

Learn more about getting access

Pitch music to our playlist editors

Got a new release coming up? Pitch a song to us before it drops.

We’ll include it in a list our editorial team picks from for their playlists. We’ll also add it to your followers’ Release Radar playlist.

Learn more about pitching music

Build your followers

Share your music and encourage fans to follow you on Spotify.

We notify your followers when you release new music, when you tour in their area, and you get featured in their personalized sections of the app.

Learn more about sharing music

Use Spotify campaign tools

We offer different campaign tools to help develop your fanbase.

Marquee and Showcase

Marquee is a full-screen sponsored recommendation for new releases.

Showcase is a banner that appears at the top of the Spotify mobile app’s Home tab to promote your new or catalog releases.

They're both available to teams based in:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Colombia
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Stay tuned: Over the next few weeks, Marquee and Showcase will also become available to teams based in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, and Sweden.

Check out Getting started with Marquee and Showcase for more info.

Ads Manager

Spotify Ads Manager is an easy way to create audio and video ads for free listeners, with options for different sized budgets.

Go to Spotify Ads Manager

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