Creating a Discovery Mode campaign

Note: Discovery Mode is in a beta phase and isn’t available to all artists yet. We’ll share updates when we’re ready to roll it out more widely.

For: Artist team Admins and Editors on web. Your team's Admin is able to add you to the team or change your access level.

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to Campaigns tab Campaigns and Discovery Mode.
    Tip: Don't see the option? Learn more about Discovery Mode eligibility
  3. Click Set up [month] campaign.
    Note: You can set up a campaign between the 11th of the month and 12 AM UTC on the last day of the month.
  4. Select the songs you’d like to include.
  5. Review your campaign and click Submit.

Campaigns start at 12 AM UTC on the 1st of the following month. You can make edits to your song submissions up until 12 AM UTC on the last day of the current month.

Don’t see your song?

A song is eligible for Discovery Mode if:

Discovery Mode cost

Discovery Mode doesn’t require an upfront budget. Instead, a 30% commission is applied to recording royalties generated from all streams of selected songs in Discovery Mode contexts. All other streams of selected songs outside of Discovery Mode contexts remain commission-free.

Multiple versions of the same song

Discovery Mode selections occur at the track URI level.

If your song appears on several releases (e.g. on a single and an album), it’ll have multiple track URIs for the same recording.

To maximize potential reach, we recommend selecting all eligible track URIs of your song.

Note: As a primary guiding principle, you should consider your marketing objectives and strategies when making campaign decisions.

Need more help?

Learn more about how Discovery Mode works, and how artists are using it for their new release strategy and to grow their audience.

Get in touch through our contact page.

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