Artist playlists

You can feature any playlist on your artist profile. Show a playlist your music’s been added to, or just what you’re into.

Make a playlist

Make the playlist in your personal account using the Spotify app.

Note: The playlist will show your personal account and link to it. You can add a display name on your account to match your artist name.

Learn how to add a display name

Add playlists to your profile

For: Admins and Editors

Web browser

  1. Log in to
  2. Click View profile in the top-left.
  3. Click + under Artist Playlists.
  4. Search for the playlist or paste a Spotify link.


  1. Tap Profile tab Profile.
  2. Tap + under Artist Playlists.
  3. Tap +.
  4. Search for the playlist or paste a Spotify link.

Rearrange or remove playlists

For: Admins and Editors

Web browser

  1. Log in to
  2. Click View Profile in the top-left.
  3. Click Edit next to Artist Playlists.
  4. Click and drag to rearrange, or click X to remove a playlist.


  1. Tap the profile icon in the bottom-right.
  2. Next to Artist Playlists tap EDIT.
  3. Press and hold to the right of a playlist to rearrange, or tap the circle to the left then select DELETE to remove.
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