Artist image guidelines
Before you upload images to your artist profile, make sure they meet these guidelines:
- Use .jpeg, .png, or .gif file formats
- Avatar images must be at least 750px x 750px
- Header images must be at least 2660px x 1140px
- Images in your image gallery must be at least 690px x 500px
- Your image can’t be larger than 20MB
- Don’t include infringing or offensive materials
- Don’t include text, advertising, or busy backgrounds
- Don’t promote your upcoming tour or album release
- Make sure your images align with our copyright policy
Images can be removed if they violate our image guidelines, copyright policy, terms and conditions, or the Spotify Platform Rules.
Here’s more info on what we do and don’t allow:
Protecting intellectual property
You can’t upload any images that violate any copyright, trademark, or personal image rights, such as:
- Copyright: In most countries, copyright laws exist to protect original works and creations (books, music, art, etc.). Copyright generally doesn’t protect ideas or facts, but in some cases it protects original words or images used to express an idea. For country-specific copyright info, visit the WIPO’s Global Directory.
- Trademark: A trademark is a word, slogan, symbol, or design (such as a logo or brand name) that distinguishes the products and services offered by one company from those of another. Generally, the purpose of trademark laws are to ensure consumers aren’t confused about who exactly provides the service.
- Personal images: Personality rights (or right of publicity) protect an individual from unauthorized public or commercial use of their name, image, personality, or likeness. You can’t post an image of an individual without their consent.
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