Artist Pick
Artist Pick lives at the top of your artist profile.
Use Artist Pick to showcase:
- Any song, album, music video, or playlist
- Your concerts
- Your merch
- Podcast shows or individual episodes
Note: You can’t add a podcast as your Artist Pick in the Spotify for Artists mobile app.
You can personalize your Pick with an image and short message.
Keep in mind:
- Your Artist Pick shows for up to 180 days
- After 180 days, your Pick disappears (but you can update it any time)
- If Artist Pick shows a concert, it displays until the concert has happened or until tickets sell out. If you have multiple concerts, the next upcoming one is then displayed
- If you’re showcasing your merch and the item sells out, your Pick disappears
- If you feature your music video, your Pick only displays where music videos are available. In other countries, your Pick doesn't appear
For: Admins and Editors
Web browser
- Log in to
- Click View Profile in the top-left.
- Select + under Artist Pick.
Tip: If you can’t find what you’re looking for, paste a link from the Spotify app.
- Tap
- Tap + under Artist Pick.
Tip: If you can’t find what you’re looking for, paste a link from the Spotify app.
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