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Is this Spotify email legit?

Spotify will never ask for personal information over email, such as your:

  • Payment info
  • Password
  • Social Security or tax identification number
  • Request payments via a 3rd party (for example, Western Union)
  • Ask you to download anything from our emails

Emails about account activity

We send emails about account activity to help keep your account safe. This includes:

  • New logins
  • New Family or Duo members

For security, you can’t turn these emails off.

If you see any activity you don’t recognize, go to account takeover help.

Have a suspicious email?

An email is suspicious if the sender email doesn’t end in “”, or if you’re simply not sure about it.

Don’t respond to, click any links, or download anything in the email. If you already did:

  1. Reset your password.
  2. Change your password on any other sites where you use the same password.
  3. Contact your bank if you think your financial details have been compromised.

Report a suspicious email

  1. Forward the email to
  2. Delete the email.

Our team will investigate and let you know if the email is legitimate.

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