Podcast paid subscriptions

Support your favorite podcasters and get exclusive content in return by subscribing to their shows, with Spotify for Creators and Spotify.

Look for Locked on shows that are subscription-only. 

Subscribe to a podcast

Note: Podcast paid subscriptions are independent from Spotify Premium subscriptions.

  1. Go to the podcast show page.
  2. Find the subscribe link in the show description.
  3. Enter your details and tap Subscribe.
  4. To unlock the podcast and listen, either:
    • Tap Activate on Spotify
    • Or, copy the Private RSS Link and paste it into any podcast app 

Your payment automatically renews at the end of the subscription period, unless you cancel before the renewal date.

For more information, visit the Spotify for Creators help center.

Cancel podcast subscription

We include a cancel link in our monthly email which confirms your next podcast subscription payment. You can find the link in an email we’ve already sent you, or wait until the next one arrives.

You can still access subscription-only content until your next renewal date, then it will be locked again.

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