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Concerts and festivals

Find out how to list your concerts and festivals on Spotify, and who we recommend them to.

To show your concerts on Spotify, you need to list them on a ticketing partner site:

  • AXS
  • Bandsintown
  • DICE
  • Eventim
  • FNAC
  • Fourvenues
  • Gigantic
  • NoCap
  • Resident Advisor
  • See Tickets
  • Shotgun
  • StageIt
  • Ticketek
  • Ticketmaster
  • Tixr
  • Xceed
  • Eplus (Japan only)

Playing a virtual event? We only show virtual events listed on Ticketmaster, Bandsintown, StageIt, NoCap, FNAC, and

The concert listing needs to include:

  • At least 1 artist name
  • Start time
  • Venue name
  • Event name

We show concerts and send recommendation emails to fans based on where they live, who they follow, and who they listen to.

Tip: Ask your fans to follow you so they know when you’re playing.

Use Spotify for Artists to see how many followers and listeners you have in each city you’re playing.


We list the festivals you’re playing at.

  • Make sure you're linked to the festival on the ticketing partner site
  • Events with fewer than 6 artists show the artist names as the event title instead of the festival name
  • Multi-day festivals show the first day as the event date (e.g. a festival running Friday to Sunday shows as a Friday event), unless each day is listed as a separate event on the ticketing partner site
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