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Inviting team members

For: Admins on web

Get bandmates, managers, and other trusted team members all involved.

  1. Go to artists.spotify.com/c/team/roster.
  2. Select the team you want to invite them to (if you’re in multiple teams).
  3. Click Invite and fill in the team member’s info, or click Bulk invite to invite multiple team members.
  4. Click Send invite.

We’ll send them an email with a few steps to follow, then they’re in.

Requests to join your team

Approve or deny requests to join your team.

Requests expire after 7 days. We email the requester when you approve or deny them, but not when their request expires.

Note: We don’t send your info to the requester.

  1. Go to artists.spotify.com/c/team/roster.
  2. Select the team you want to view requests for (if you’re in multiple teams).
  3. Choose their access level and click Approve, or click Deny to reject the request.
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