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Splitting and trimming your audio segments

From July 9, this tool will no longer be available on Spotify for Podcasters mobile and web experiences. Read more here

Editing your audio with the Spotify for Podcasters mobile app is a fast and easy way to remove sections from your recording, edit out dead air, or separate a single audio segment into multiple parts if you'd like to insert other content in between.

Trimming audio

Trimming creates a new segment in your library. The original audio you recorded will still be kept as its own segment.

On the mobile app:

Note: Trimming your audio is only available on the Spotify for Podcasters iOS app.

  1. Tap Tools then the + icon, and go to your Library tab.
  2. Tap the 3 dots next to the segment you'd like to trim and select Trim start/end points.
  3. To locate a precise point in your audio, zoom in by pinching and separating two fingers on the audio edit screen.
  4. Tap Start here and End here to select the start and end points of the new audio segment you'd like to create.
  5. Tap Save & trim to save the edited audio segment.
  6. The new segment will be added at the top of your audio library.

Splitting audio

Splitting creates multiple segments from your original recording. Splitting is a great way to add in transitions, music, and sponsored segments.

On the mobile app:

  1. Tap Tools then the + icon, and go to your Library tab.
  2. Tap the 3 dots next to the segment you'd like to trim and select Edit audio.
  3. To locate a precise point in your audio, zoom in by pinching and separating two fingers on the audio edit screen.
  4. Move the split bar to the right point in the audio and tap Split. You can add multiple split points to the same segment.
  5. Once you’ve added your break points, tap Save.
  6. The new segments will be added at the top of your audio library and numbered.
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