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Multiple podcasts under the same account

You can claim and manage all your podcasts from one account - whether they’re hosted with Spotify or with another host.

Podcasts hosted with Spotify

To consolidate all your podcasts under one account, change each account to the same Spotify login.

Follow these steps to change to a Spotify login

Then log out and repeat these steps for each podcast you manage. Make sure to change each podcast to the same Spotify account login.

If your podcasts are under different Spotify logins, contact us.

Podcasts hosted somewhere else

On web:

  1. Log into Spotify for Podcasters
  2. Click your avatar then Add a new podcast.
  3. Select I already have a podcast.
  4. Follow the steps to claim your additional podcast.

Note: This option isn’t available on the Spotify for Podcasters mobile app.

Starting another podcast

Click your avatar then Add a new podcast and select I want to start a podcast to create a new podcast under the same account.

Switching between your podcasts

Find the podcast you want to view in Your podcasts.

Click All podcasts to see the full list.

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