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Uploading a trailer
A trailer is a preview of your show designed to attract new listeners and grow your audience.
Your trailer appears at the top of your show page on Spotify.
Shows hosted with Spotify
On web:
- Log in to Spotify for Creators
- Click New Episode then Select a file.
- Find the audio or video file you'd like to use as your trailer then click Next.
- On the Details page, give your trailer a title, description, and publish date then click Next.
- Find Additional details and choose Trailer under Episode type.
- Review your trailer details and then click Schedule or Publish.
On the mobile app:
- Tap Podcast then + and Select a file.
- Choose the audio file you'd like to use as your trailer.
Note: You can only upload video files on web. - On the next screen, give your trailer a title and description.
- Tap Additional details then Episode type, and select Trailer.
- Tap Publish or Schedule to give your trailer a publish date.
- Hit Save.
Shows hosted somewhere else
If you don't host your show with Spotify, you can set an existing episode as your trailer.
On web:
- Log in to Spotify for Creators
- Head to Settings.
- Click Select your trailer.
- Pick an episode, then click Set Trailer.
Tip: We show you short episodes that'd be suited to being trailers. To select a longer episode, go to All Episodes.
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