Prohibited content

Spotify is an open platform for artistic expression. We believe in everyone’s right to share their voice. So generally, all creators and content are welcome on Spotify. But content may be removed or filtered from Spotify if it violates the Spotify Platform Rules or contains the following:

Infringing Content

We protect creators’ intellectual property so they can be fairly compensated for their work. Any content provided to Spotify without rightsholder permission may be removed. The same is true for content that infringes upon the trademarks of others. If you use samples in your music, make sure they're cleared with the owner first. If you believe your copyright's being infringed on, notify us here.

Illegal Content

We require content providers to comply with applicable laws and regulations, including those governing content administered by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) and the German ​Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien (“BPjM”). Any content in violation of local laws may be removed, and we may withhold related payments if that content is subject to sanctions.

Repeated violations of our prohibited content policies can result in losing access to the Spotify platform.

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