Music not live on release day?

We need 5 business days to get new music live.

If you deliver your music within 5 business days of release date, it might not be live until a few days after.

If you delivered your music more than 5 business days before the release date, contact your distributor for help.

Info for distributors

Tip: Don’t recognise a term? Check the Service Level Guidelines we sent when you first delivered music to us.

Here are some things to check in Spotify for Music Providers. If you don’t have access, reach out to our Content Operations Ingestion team.

  • Don’t see the release in Spotify for Music Providers?
    • Make sure the XML is valid by checking it against the XSD. Then redeliver the music as an insert with full assets.
  • Scroll down and check the release’s Past deliveries.
    • See a red banner? Scroll down to Past deliveries and expand the row to check for encoding errors. Make sure the audio is up to spec, then redeliver with full assets. See our Artwork and Audio Specifications for more details.
  • Check the Availability tab.
    • Make sure the release date/time is showing correctly, the start date has passed, and the release is marked Available for the territories delivered.

Once your info looks right in Spotify for Music Providers, your music should be live within 5 business days. If your music still isn’t live, reach out to our Content Operations Ingestion team.

Learn more about metadata quality in the Spotify Metadata Style Guide.

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