Getting started with Marquee and Showcase

Marquee is a full-screen sponsored recommendation for new releases.

Showcase is a banner for new or catalog releases that appears at the top of the Spotify mobile app’s Home tab.

Both Marquee and Showcase reach listeners who are likely to find the release relevant and stream from it after seeing the campaign.


Marquee and Showcase are available to teams based in:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Colombia
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

If your team's billing country in Spotify for Artists is set to one of these markets, head to the Campaigns tab to get started with Marquee or Showcase.

Learn how to set your team's billing country

Note: Your payment card also needs to be based in one of the markets above to use Marquee or Showcase in Spotify for Artists.

Stay tuned: Over the next few weeks, Marquee and Showcase will also become available to teams based in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, and Sweden.


Artists can use Marquee and Showcase to promote eligible releases if they have at least 1k streams over the last 28 days in at least one of the target markets.

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