Getting music on Release Radar

Release Radar is a playlist of new releases that updates every Friday.

Listeners get new music from:

  • Artists they follow
  • Artists they listen to
  • Other artists we think they’ll like

Your followers get songs from your new release in their Release Radar.

If you pitch a song, we'll include that song in your followers' Release Radar.

Learn more about pitching music

If you don't pitch a song, we'll pick which songs from your release to put in your followers' Release Radar.

Note: Pitch at least 7 days before release day to pick the song for Release Radar.

Things to keep in mind

  • Deliver your music at least 7 days before release to get your music on Release Radar in the first week
  • We don’t include a song in a listener’s Release Radar if they’ve already listened to it (but we might include another song from the release)
  • We only include songs where you're a main or featured artist (not remixer)
  • We don’t include songs by Various Artists
  • We don’t include re-releases of songs already on Spotify
  • We don’t include some alternative versions of tracks, like acoustic, karaoke, or live versions
  • We do include remixes
  • Each listener only gets one song per artist per week
  • We’ll include a song for up to 4 weeks if a listener hasn't heard it

How to know if your song gets picked

Check the Playlists tab of your song’s stats in Spotify for Artists.

You’ll see recent and top playlists your song’s added to. If your song’s in your listeners’ Release Radar, you’ll see the stats there.

How songs are ordered

The order of songs in a listener’s Release Radar is based on factors like release date and how much we think the listener will like the song based on their past listening.

Our personalization systems can change and make slightly different recommendations day-over-day but for the most part, the order of a listener's Release Radar is similar from one Friday to the next.

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