Wed, 12 Feb 2025 13:53:32 GMT
Understanding my data
When you use the automated Download your data tool, you will receive several files in JSON format. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and is a structured, commonly used format that is capable of being understood by both computers and human beings. You may download three different packages of data, either separately or all at once. The packages will include a copy of the following data (if applicable to you).
Account data
Data type | What's included |
Playlist | A summary of the playlists created or saved, and any songs saved, including:
Streaming History (audio, video, and podcasts) | A list of items (e.g. songs, videos, and podcasts) listened to or watched in the past year, including:
Your Library | A summary (at the point of the date of the request) of the content saved in Your Library (songs, episodes, shows, artists, and albums), including:
Search queries | A list of searches made, including:
For commands made by voice, see Voice Input below. |
Follow | This includes (where available) at the point of the request:
Payments | This includes details of the payment method (where available):
User Data | This includes (where available):
Customer Service History | If you have been in contact with our customer service team as an identified Spotify user, your files will include a copy of that contact correspondence. |
Family Plan | Family plan data (if you own a Premium for Family plan) which includes your address, city, country, name, state, street, and postal code. |
Inferences | We draw certain inferences about your interests and preferences based on your usage of the Spotify service and using data obtained from our advertisers and other advertising partners. This includes a list of market segments with which you are currently associated. Depending on your settings, this data may be used to serve interest-based advertising to you within the Spotify service. |
Voice Input | A list of commands made by voice (where available), including:
AI Playlist |
Podcast Interactivity | A list of interactions (such as comments) made to an interactivity feature of the podcast, including:
Spotify for Artists | If you have a Spotify for Artist (S4A) account, additional data you’ve provided in your S4A account will be listed. This may include your business email address, your title and/or what role you have for a particular artist or licensor (i.e., manager, composer, publicist, etc.), and the name of your employer. |
Spotify for Creators | If you have a Spotify for Creators account, personal data relating to your use of that account will be listed. This includes any shows you have access to and information about your permissions to manage those shows on Spotify for Creators. |
Wrapped data | Your latest Wrapped data, if Wrapped is a feature in your market. This includes (where available):
Extended streaming history
Data type | What's included |
Extended Streaming History (audio, video, and podcasts) | A list of items (e.g. songs, videos, and podcasts) listened to or watched during the lifetime of your account, including the following details:
Look for the "Read Me First - Extended Streaming History" file provided with your data for a detailed description of each technical field that corresponds to the data described above. |
Technical Log Information
Data type | What's included |
Technical Log Information | The Technical Log Information contains detailed technical data such as commands, error messages, and log strings that we have collected about your account to provide and troubleshoot the Spotify service and recipients to whom that data may have been disclosed. Look for the “Read Me First - Technical Log Information” file provided with your data for a detailed description of the technical log information. This file is provided by default in English, but you can always contact our customer support ( if you need help understanding this data in your local language. |