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SOFORT payments for Spotify

Pay for Spotify through your bank with SOFORT.

Just choose your Premium plan and select SOFORT at the checkout.

Shop Premium plans

Note: Spotify can’t take manual bank transfers. If you’ve made one, the money will be refunded in the next few days.

Update your bank details

To change the bank you use to pay for Spotify through SOFORT, you need to cancel your subscription and resubscribe using the new payment details.

New payment not working?

Your initial payment may get refunded automatically by request of your bank. If this happens, you’ll switch to Spotify’s free service, so you’ll just need to resubscribe at

You can contact your bank for more information about why this happens.

Regular payment not working?

SOFORT can begin to process a regular payment up to 5 days before your billing date. If it doesn’t go through, you’ll switch to Spotify’s free service, so you’ll just need to resubscribe at

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