Spotify on Apple Watch

Play from your wrist with Spotify on Apple Watch.

  • (Premium only) Listen directly from your Watch - online and offline
  • Control your phone's Spotify app from your Watch
  • Control what plays on another device with Spotify Connect
  • Use Siri to voice control your music and podcasts

Get Spotify on Apple Watch

For Spotify to show on your Apple Watch:

  1. On your iPhone, open the Watch app.
    Note: You’ll be prompted to pair it with the Apple Watch if you haven’t already.
  2. Go to the Available Apps section and install the Spotify app.

Tip: You can also get apps on your Apple Watch from the App Store.

Download Spotify from the App Store

Play Spotify on Apple Watch

Spotify Premium users can stream music and podcasts from Apple Watch and also download them to play offline without an internet connection.

Note: Free service customers cannot stream directly to or listen offline on their Watch. They can use the Watch to control Spotify on other devices.

Listen directly from your Watch

To play from your Watch without your phone, you need:

  • Spotify Premium
  • Apple Watch Series 3 or later
  • watchOS 7.0 or above
  • Paired Bluetooth headphones to the Watch
  • A cellular or WiFi connection

Listen offline

You can download at least 10 hours (depending on your model) of music and podcasts to Apple Watch so you can listen without the internet.

Note: There’s a limit of 100 downloads per playlist.

Download tracks to your Apple Watch from the Watch app

  1. Swipe right to access the home screen.
  2. Find a playlist you’d like to download, and tap Download.

Note: To download a podcast, follow the instructions below to download from your iPhone.

To find your downloads, swipe right to access the home screen, and tap the Downloads folder.

Download tracks or podcasts to your Apple Watch from your iPhone

  1. Go to a playlist or podcast you’d like to download.
    Note: You can’t download individual songs, but you can put them in a playlist and download the playlist.
  2. Tap 3 horizontal dots.
  3. Tap Download to Apple Watch.
    Tip: To speed things up, keep the Spotify app open on the Watch, and download via WiFi instead of Bluetooth by turning off Bluetooth from the Settings app (not the Control Center).

To find your downloads, swipe right to access the home screen, and tap the Downloads folder.

Not working?

Try Apple’s steps to install or re-download.

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