Change your country or region settings

You can check your current country on your account page.

Got Premium?

If you want to change your country or region, you may also need to update your payment method to one that’s issued there:

  1. Go to your account page.
  2. Under Account, click Update next to your payment method.
  3. Enter a new payment method that was issued in your new country or region.

The changes will take effect from your next billing date.

Note: The country or region of your Spotify account is based on where you were when you signed up. If you move somewhere else where the Spotify service is available, you need to update your country or region so that the appropriate service for your new country of residence can be made available to you, which may cause changes to the applicable pricing and catalog availability.

Don’t have Premium?

You can use Spotify in a different country or region for up to 14 days.

To use it for longer than 14 days, change your account settings:

  1. Go to your account page.
  2. Under Account, click Edit profile.
  3. Scroll down to Country or region and select your new one from the dropdown list.
    Note: Your new country or region only shows when you’re actually there.
  4. Click Save profile.

Note: If you created your account with Facebook or Apple, you also need to change your country or region settings with those services.

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