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Songwriter Pages

Songwriter Pages showcase songwriters’ work to fans and potential collaborators on Spotify. They include all works publishers share with us and a list of frequent collaborators.

Every Songwriter Page is accompanied by a Written By playlist where fans can listen to songs that writer has written or contributed to.

Create and share a Promo Card for your Songwriter Page or Written By playlist so anyone can check out your music - whether they’re a Spotify user or not.

To find a writer’s page, open the Spotify app and view a song’s credits. If the songwriter has a Songwriter Page, their name will be clickable.

Learn more about credits

Getting a Songwriter Page

Songwriter Pages are powered by publishers’ Spotify for Publishing accounts.

Learn more about Spotify for Publishing

We’re currently only working with publishers to create Songwriter Pages via Spotify for Publishing. This is because we need detailed publishing data delivered in CWR format.

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